Here's a link to a story that just came out on CNN's web page.

It's a global positioning device (GPS) for dogs. I can't tell if there are plans to release it in the US or just Japan. But it would be great if we got something similar in the States. I take my dogs hiking several times a week and they love to go exploring. A few times they've been out of my sight for longer than I would like so something like this would be a huge comfort if it really worked.

Has anyone else found a way to ease your mind about losing a dog when hiking? My dogs are pretty good about "checking-in" with me on hikes and coming when called. And a lot of time they will just walk with me on the path. But I do worry that they'll start chasing something without my knowledge and then they'll be out of earshot and won't hear me call for them to come. This has happened a few times before, but they are familiar with the path we usually go on, so they usually re-appear in 5-10 minutes. But sometimes those 10 minutes can seem like 10 hours. Any suggestions for keeping them from getting lost? Especially if we try new paths. How much can they rely on their sense of smell to find me?

Linda & Mocha & Latte
Blacksburg VA

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