Hi Laura and Baka,

Good to see that Baka's lump has gone down even if is messy at the moment.

>our appointment with the vet is friday. in the meantime,
> does anyone have any home treatment suggestions - anything i should do
> to take care of it, prevent it from getting infected, etc? or should i
> just let it alone till friday?

You can just swab with ordinary human antiseptic, TCP or whatever, however
if is still oozing, I would be very inclined to treat with hot (but not too
hot to scald) salt water. Just moisten a pad and hold against the sore spot
to help draw out any nastiness remaining in there. Repeat several times and
clean away any yukky stuff. Do this several times a day until looks  like
it's clean and drying up. The salt is a natural antiseptic and won't hurt
Baka if she goes licking at the spot.

All love,

Jean, Sunny, Sim, Barney and the Longlease Gang

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