Sterling gets the same thing that Flash does.  After his summer trim, I see him
laying on the hearth rocks to absorb the coolness.  I add one area, however. 
The, ah, undertail area also gets shaved.  Sterling has a very heavy coat and as
he gets older, that area isn't as daisy-fresh (apologies to Maria) as it was. 
Shaving helps with keeping things clean :-)  



> Because of Chicago areas high humidity and temperatures, plus the fact I do
> not have air conditioning at home, I have Flash's belly and inner thighs shaved
> in the summer so that when he lies on the tile floors or the damp soil, he
> has as much skin surface contacting the cool area.  I also comb and brush out as
> much undercoat as I possibly can, leaving the outer coat to protect his skin
> from sun and bugs.  I used to do the same thing with all my heavy coated sled
> dogs in the summer.

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