no panic here folks, nothing but good news!

About 10 days ago I found a tiny (2mm diameter) lump on Aeryn's right front
leg.  It was so tiny, but red and raised, so I nearly immediately hit the
panic button.  I actually contained my anxiety for a few days and left it
alone, just incase it was a bug bite or something.  But it didn't go away.
And it didn't change in size either, but it did start to bleed when I next
handled it.  Still I tried to remain calm and not imagine all those awful
things I'm very good and scaring myself with.  So in the wee small hours of
last Sat. a.m. (approx. 1:00 a.m.!) I practiced a little freezer top surgery
on my girl -- a little bleb of local anesthetic (Aeryn said that stings! but
only for a few seconds), appropriately sized biopsy punch to remove to
tumour, 2 skin staples to close, and a biscuit for being SUCH a brave
girlie.  Five minutes later and the girl is outside chasing Rowyn around
their running track at top speed.   Of course I sent the lump off for
histology and got the results back today -- "a totally harmless, benign
hemangioma" -- YIPPEEEEEEE!

much relieved and breathing happier here tonight

sue(Aeryn -- I don't think I need those staple things anymore Mom, with
Devyn & Rowyn -- I let her catch me that night just 'cuz she was wounded

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