Sorry, this is way off topic but I am writing in the hope that somebody can
help with an emergency situation that has arisin in San Diego.

I work at a vet practice in Western Australia, one of our wonderful clients
recently travelled to San Diego, after selling up her home and packing all
her belongings, including her beloved dog.  She was moving permanently and
was to be married within the next few weeks.

Unfortunately, things did not turn out well and she was a victim of domestic
violence, suffering terrible wounds and being admitted to hospital.  She has
organised to return to Australia as soon as she is able, however is very
concerned about her dog.  She is alone and scared and has no friends or
family to turn to.  She is desparate to find a boarding kennel or suitable
accomodation for her dog, pending finding out if he needs to spend a
quarantine period in the States before she can fly him home, or if he can
fly home and spend quarantine here.

She is more than happy to meet all costs just really needs a kind, helping
hand with sorting out her arrangements, as she does not know the local area.
If you know of anybody at all in the San Diego area that could help her
could you please email me and I can supply them with her contact

Thank you

Fiona Gordon
Gladsheim BMD's
Western Australia


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