
The best resources I have found for Utility training are:

Steppin' Up to Success (3 bk series) - by Terri Arnold (see her website

Competition Obedience: A Balancing Act - by Adele Yunck and Judy Byron

Beyond Basic Dog Training - by  Diane Bauman (older book)

Videos by Janice Demello and Ann Marie Silverton

all are available from and some from Boris's book site:

The very best thing to do is take private lessons from a good instructor, one who has 
at LEAST a couple UD's  (Utility Dog title) and best still a UDX (Utility Dog 
Excellent) or OTCH (Obedience Trial Champion)....see the AKC's website 
( the "Rules and Regulations" fo Obedience Trials...and write to them 
to get a copy of them. Can tplay hte game if you dont know the rules! :-)

How do you find a good instructor in your area? I would go to a big trial in your area 
and set up a chair outside the Open B and Utility B rings. Watch the class, take notes 
in the catalogue on what you like. Then see who gets placements in the class. Go up to 
these people after the 1st thru 4 th places are given out, compliment them on how well 
thier dogs did, and ask if they give private lessons or who they would recommend who 
does. Expect to drive  a bit, I drive nearly 3 hrs each way now. Even if you cant get 
weekly lessons, a couple times a month is good.

It is soooo much fun. Best of luck!!!

Vilma Briggs (Kistner)
Mt. Gilead, OH
U-UD Mocha Java Slurp, UDX, HIC, TT
Ch. Brighteye Expresso Bean, UD, NDD, TT
U-CDX Our Little Buddy, UD, NA, TT
Thirdtym's A Charm, CD
Hob Nob Clouds In My Coffee (puppy "Perc")
and foster Bernerboy: Brew/Bruin

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