I'm about to send a puppy to it's new home in a Sherpa bag.  The pup was 20
lbs yesterday and we still have 5 days to go before the new owner arrives.
Have any of you had problems getting a pup of this size to fit in a Sherpa?
They are using Delta which doesn't seem to have a weight restriction but I'm
starting to worry about the size of the pup.  The Sherpa bag is 11" x 11
3/4" x 20 inches.  I don't have it here so can't try test him in it
physically.  It's only a 90 minute direct flight so am hoping it will work.

PS  I'll share your comments and experiences with my buyer but take your
names off the emails.

Thanks for any help you can give us.  I'm worried that they won't be able to
get the pup home after flying out to me.

Dawn Gabig, Classique Berners, Kansas City USA
Our Website: http://ClassiqueBMD.homestead.com
FREE Graphics:  http://ClassiqueBMDs.homestead.com/graphics.html
Heartland Club Website: http://www.hbmdc.org/

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