>My eight and one half week old berner puppy Alex is growing like a weed,  
>gaining a pound every other day. 
>In the past two weeks he went from 6 lbs to 13.
>Today he started having some pain in his hind end, from the base of the tail 
>and a few inches above to his back. He cries when he moves and when I touch 
>that area.
>I see no reason for this discomfort. He has not climbed any steps or jumped 
>off anything.
>He is by my side 24/7 and if we go any distance I carry him.
>He is on the BARF diet and loving every meaty bite. 
>Could he be growing to fast and could this be the discomfort he is having?
>Any comments or suggestions would be helpful. Tomorrow we will go to the vets 
>if he does not seem better.


I don't know that the rapid growth is responsible for the pain your puppy is
feeling, but you really _must_ slow down his growth, for his future health.
My breeder gave me sage advice 6 1/2 years ago, which I have followed w/my
last two Berner babies. She told me to not let the pups gain more than 2, or
at most 3 pounds per week. If they gain 3 pounds two weeks in a row, then I
cut back on their food, and increase the veggies. I religiously weighed my
pups once/week until they were over a year old. After about a year, I
weighed them once/month until they were full grown (one is 19 months, and
still filling out). They will ultimately reach whatever height/weight that
there genes are destined for, but the slow growth is best for their skeletal
structure. I write down their weights in a notepad, and it's been fun to
compare their growth rates to each other. With my first Berner, I wasn't as
careful, since I didn't have much guidance, but he gained about 10
lbs./month, which is pretty typical. Rapid growth in a pup under 7 months
can have disastrous effects on their joints. My breeder and I also feed a
BARF diet.

Jennifer Zaayer
Dash and Ti 

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