My question is whether my situation is normal for a large dog, or should I 
be concerned...  I know this topic has probably come up a million times, 
but I am new to this list and this is my first bernese. So please bear with 

I have a 20 month old male/neutered berner that has been plagued with on 
and off lameness for over a year now... He is large for the breed (120lbs, 
281/2 inches) and came from large parents (100 and 140lbs).  He is in VERY 
good condition and if anything a bit thin.  I have him on large breed food 
(Eukanuba) and has been on Cortaflex (msm,glucosamine and chondroitin) 
since last october.  We restrict him from unnecessary stairs in the house 
(to our bedroom!) and also trim the hair around his pads so he doesn't slip 
as much on the hardwood floors.  And I have been told by "conformation" 
experts that his shoulder angulation is poor (too straight).

Here is a background:
Lameness (always front end) began last may and appeared worse after any 
exercise over a normal walk.  We tried our best to keep him under control, 
but we live in the country, so once in a while he would go for a romp and 
run a bit faster than I would have liked to see.  It would come and go 
(growing pains?) to the point where I would second-guess myself, because I 
was looking for a limp!  Come september he was bad again and we had him 
xrayed and neutered in october (hips/shoulders/elbows) and showed nothing 
wrong... we kept him on restricted exercise for over 2 months (quite 
difficult, but possible!) and by december he was fine (because of cortaflex 
or just time??)  In March he injured himself in the deep snow (leg stopped, 
body kept going!) and injured the muscle, which got better after about 6 
weeks.  During this time I had also taken him to a chiropractor once in 

Now this weekend, he started limping again (not the leg he injured in 
march)!  So now I am back to trying to restrict his exercise...  he didn't 
do anything out of the ordinary and I'm assuming it would not be 
panosteitis (growing pains) at this age...?  Or maybe it's just another 
minor muscle injury that has not fully healed...?

Is this normal for a large breed??  Or have I got a problem dog?  I plan to 
have full x-rays done again, but figured I might as well wait until he was 
2 years old.  I find it is a fine line between proper exercise to condition 
the right muscles, but overdoing it and having a sore dog.  I have him 
involved in as much as he can handle physically (freestyle, rally-O, 
straight recalls over 2 flyball jumps to work on striding, started carting, 
some low impact agility (no A-frames or excessive jumping yet!).  He is as 
smart as can be, but I have been very cautious to wait until he has fully 
matured physically (not yet!)

I just wondered if this is a typical life of a large berner pup (not 
anymore!) or should I be preparing myself (& my bank account) for some 
possible surgery...?  I have periodically taken him to the breeder, so she 
is aware of what we have gone through (and appears that she will live up to 
her guarantees...)  If it is just poor conformation that causes the 
soreness, what could the outcome be?

I feel that I have taken all the possible precautions, but he still has to 
be able to play like a young dog once in awhile...  Is there anymore I can 

I am anticipating the worst, but if anyone has gone through any similar 
situations, I would like to hear what happened... Or is there any berner-L 
archives that I should read?

Thanks in advance,
Angela & Briar

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