Hello all!

I'm an almost two month old lurker who has very much enjoyed reading (and learning!) from all your posts. I am brand new to the Berner world and am enjoying it very much, trying to absorb as much as I can from you experts about this wonderful breed. We acquired our new pup (from a breeder, of course!) in early June. Duncan is going on 14 weeks and within the last week has developed a limp in his left hind leg. I have read in earnest the posts regarding limping recently and have gone to your site to learn more. We, of course, immediately took Duncan to the vet's thinking it might've been an injury to the leg since it came on so suddenly. Even though we discourage too much (read: too hard) roughhousing, Duncan and his golden retriever older brother just love to play together. The limp really came on overnight and so we took him the next day. The doctor palpated his leg, found nothing to write home about and sent him home with some Etogenic (?) pain meds. Told us to come back if the situation did not improve. Of course it did not and I took him back four days later. The doc took x-rays and found no evidence of trauma. He told me his hips look and feel "great" and the only thing he could possibly see is a slight inflammation of the knobby end of the bone (told me the medical term and I cannot recall it now). His tentative diagnosis was hypertrophic osteodystrophy. Well, when I looked it up, I was horrified. This is one nasty disease! I'm not sure I am in complete concurrence since limping is really the only thing Duncan is exhibiting right now. No suppressed appetite, no fever, no lethargy, etc., etc., In fact, he gets around on three legs almost as well as all four. The ONLY thing he has exhibited other than the limping is diarrhea from time to time, but I could also chalk that up to the fact that he gets a hold of dirt, rocks, paper, etc., etc. and before I can stop him, it's down the old gut. He is happy, alert, and does not seem in pain at all. Very puzzling. Oh, one other thing, he had roundworm the week before this limping episode began and I took in a "sample" immediately and they gave him (and my other dog) medication to erradicate the worm problem. Don't recall what it was, but it was a yellow liquid med. The doctor also did a blood test for Lyme disease since it is so prevalent in our area. Nothing. The test was normal on all counts. Any ideas? If it is HOD, are there any remedies that are out there that have worked for you? And is this a common ailment in Berners? I knew of the other things I was facing when I choose this breed, but I hadn't come across this one in the long list of what could be lurking around the corners. I just hate to see such a young, vibrant, wonderful and promising puppy limping around the yard. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me. I trust your opinions as gospel from what I have read you certainly are a wealth of information.

Most humbly awaiting your feedback,


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