I was in town today, at the fabric store buying vinyl so the dogs can eat
their bones in the house (irrelevant really).  When I came outside there was
a vehicle (Toyota 4 Runner) parked next to mine, windows up, not running,
with a black and tan coonhound in the back in a wire crate.  The hood on the
4 Runner was up so I assumed the owner was in the auto parts store next to
the fabric store.  I walked into the auto parts store and asked who was
driving the Toyota 4 Runner.  A man just in front of me said it was he.  I
told him that he would kill his dog in short time, leaving it in a closed up
vehicle in this weather and he needed to roll down the windows to give the
dog some air.  It was close to noon and our heat index was 110 degrees
yesterday.   I went back outside, pulled away and waited to see if the man
came outside.  When he did, he made no attempt to open the car.  His wife
and daughter came out of the fabric store and I assume he told her of my
'rudeness' and she went over and opened the door to the back seat of the
vehicle.  I headed for home, then turned around to make sure the door
continued to remain open.  They had opened the window on the back of the 4
Runner by then, no reason why this could not have been done initially, as
the dog was in a wire crate and could not have gotten out.  I can't imagine
a dog living more than 15 minutes in a closed up vehicle sitting in the sun.

My next move would have been to call the police if the owner had not at
least given the dog some air.

Gail Miller
Cynosure Bernese in Arkansas

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