It was a very hot Saturday afternoon yesterday so all 2 and 4 legged
creatures took refuge in the cool house.  Tempi was bouncing off the
walls for lack of activity so I thought we would work on a new trick.  I
pull out the clicker book and find that the only "paw" trick she hasn't
learned is counting.  The author suggests beginning with a target such a
paper plate for the dog to place their paw.  So I gather treats,
clicker, dog and paper plate. First time attempted Tempi immediately
touches one very large front foot to the plate.  Just as I click, she
puts her weight on that foot and slides into a down (we were on
carpet).  I thought (hoped) that she would probably figure out that I
had clicked before the sliding down.  Maybe, maybe not.  She did the
same thing the second time.  And the third.  By now I'm second guessing
my clicker timing and not sure what behavior I'm reinforcing.  As I'm
collecting my thoughts about how to fix this, she sits up, places a foot
on the plate and slides into a down.  When there is no click and treat,
I'm given an evil look followed by grabbing the plate with her mouth and
flipping it into the air.  A serious look in my direction.  Still no
click.  Still no treat.  I'm afraid the paper plate took the full brunt
of her irritation.  Plate unceremoniously flipped and ripped to shreds. 
A Berner's frustration with an empty plate knows no limits!  Not sure
who learned what with this attempted trick, but we were both quite

Lisa and Tempi
Bakersfield, CA

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