After reading Melissa's story about Jude I decided not
to take Louis to the 'Pet Show' on the base here in
The Netherlands. Being a beautiful BMD he would have
won anyway!!!  :)     I've been walking him in some
very dense woods early in the morning and then again
at about 10.30 at night when it begins to get dark.  I
told my husband about Melissa's story and now he
thinks I should be cutting his walks down even more,
just in case.  It rarely gets beyond the nineties here
and we certainly don't have the humidity somewhere
like Florida has.  What scares me is that Jude was
coping one minute and then in severe distress the
next.  Louis does get very hot ..... should I not be
walking him at all???   
I took my girls and we went to the Pet Show.  It was a
small affair but the prizes were considerable.  A
Newfie called Atlas won.  His prize was a kennel but
they didn't have one big enough!  There were three 8
week old Boxer puppies roaming around .... recently
sold by the woman who runs the bookstore.  Her dog had
accidentally got pregnant again .... by her own male
dog!   I thought puppies were supposed to stay away
from other dogs until such time they were old enough
to have had all their shots!  The base's vet was there
handing out flyers to encourage people to vaccinate
their dogs.  (Atlas's owner)!   
It's very hard to mind your own business .......!  
Rhona and Louis
The Netherlands

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