About a month ago I had blood work done on my nine year old. The Total Protein and Albumin were very low, which should have indicated renal/liver failure, but Tulie didn't show any signs of that. Two weeks ago we redid the blood work, and the levels were good now.

On Sat., Tulies front feet looked swollen. I took her by the Vet yesterday, he agreed and said he could feel a little pitting edema. Tulie did have diarrhea over the weekend. I have not been able to figure out the pattern to her diarrhea, as it has happened for a day or two every couple weeks.

This morning I started her on Prozyme in her food. She is eating the same food that I have always fed her, Sensible Choice Adult Chicken. My Vet said that I should probably not make a change in her food right now. The Vet also said that if the swelling persists, I should take her in to have the Protein and Albumin checked again.

Does anyone know what can be done to help with edema? I am getting her up and walking her around every two hours, even though it's 107 degrees out. Today I took her to the local dog wash and had her stand in cold water for 10 minutes. Tulie is acting normal in every other way, still has a great appitite, barks, and wants to chase cats.

Please give me any suggestions that might help.

Tami Winner
Merced, CA

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