she had her first heat at 14 months. she blew her coat and hardly shed a hair since then (up until last week), now he hair is flying out. it is all over the place big time.

All my girls have always shed 3-4 months AFTER they are in heat - they have lovely coats when they are in heat then blow like mad 3-4 months afterwards, stay bald a good month, then slowly regrow. My foundation bitch has been in her skivvies since May after her pups were born in March, her daughter came in heat at 14 months in December, blew it all in March, and is just back in full coat. So I know to expect her in heat any day then she'll blow 3 months later - likely October so I'll miss the local shows......

You could check her thyroid if you are concerned but likely it is her post-heat blow!

Molly and the gang
Charlottesville, VA

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