Yesterday, hubby and I spent the afternoon making doggy stew. I decided to
quit buying the canned dogfood I've used for decades, and start making "my
own."  We had a freezer quit a few weeks ago, but managed to catch it in
time before everything was spoiled. Lots of meat, and some veggies.......

So, we fired up the 12q cooker, and made a big mess of stew.
We started with white rice (cuz we only have about 10lbs of it) and added
assorted ground meats and old venison roast (sliced and diced) that even God
did not know how long it had been there!  To that we added some green beans,
and an odd assortment of other veggies that had thawed and then re-frozen.
Also some Top Ramen complete with worms and the sauce pak.....oh yeah, and
some bullion and garlic.

When it was done, we let it set and cool, then fed about 2 cups to the
adults (mixed with kibble) and 1 cup to the pups in their kibble, and even
gave the outside feral cats some. All the dogs fell on it, and did not come
up for air till it was all gone.......Oprah (cat) turned her nose up at it,
but Fred-Grey (other outside cat) at it till it was ALLLLL gone!

Stools were still hard and firm this morning.

Judy Arneson-Johnson
Kielerstar BMD
(where the dogs love it when the freezer goes on the blink)

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