Have been watching earlier mails re. fat berners wth great interest!

I have three now. My Sunny, Sim and Barney!

At the moment neutered Barney and spayed Sunny remain on very strict diets!
They have only to sniff food to put on weight! Intact Sim seems to eat much
more and shake off the pounds. They all get the same exercise!

I try to keep them healthy but believe me only takes a friend coming over
with exra treats and, I swear, next day Sunny and Barney will have added a
pound or two and was only one biscuit!!!

I restrict treats! They get their main meals and sometimes I feel guilty
because Sunny and Barney eat so little! I supplement with extra low calorie
veggies to give them some bulk and we walk miles!

They remain fit and healthy but keeping their weight down is a constant

Sim, intact male, no problem!

Had a similar thing with my Rainbow Bridge Bernese, Sam and Tinka! Sam,
intact, never put on weight, Tinka who went to fourteen, spayed bitch, was
always on very strict diet and walked eight miles a day until her last week!

Keep those Berners Fit, Healthy and TrimLine!

All Love,

Jean, Sunny, Sim, Barney and the Longlease Gang

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