First, let me thank everyone for their kind emails.  It's wonderful
to have an extended family out there to count on when you're 
going through something that makes you feel like you're in it all by
yourself!  You're really not!  Thank you!!!!

Eddie and Hannah both underwent surgery on Friday.  Here's
how things went...

First, Eddie... When the vet was in there she found that the tooth
root bed on the other side of his face was also affected and starting
to abcess, so he ended up getting both big upper molars pulled one
on each side.  She did a beautiful job stitching the holes on his face
back together.  She said the holes were right down to bone, so she
had to pull muscle and tendons back across.  He's got 3 layers of
stiches.  He's not bothering with the stitches at all, but we're having
a very hard time getting him to eat.  I've tried soaking his food, canned
dog food and everything and he's just not interested in eating.  He is
also having some problems with his back end and walking, so we got
him to the chiropractor on Saturday.  He's just all bunched up from the
surgery and being turned over and over to be worked on.  A few more
adjustments and he should be fine.

Of course, all day yesterday, I was wondering if we did the right thing 
by putting him through this as he does not seem to be bouncing back
and is really depressed.  It also doesn't help to know that 2 years ago
our previous vet put Eddie under to remove THAT tooth, but decided
not too because they could not find any indication that there was a 
problem, so we wasted a lot of money at that time for nothing.  They 
did not even do x-rays!  Had THAT tooth been pulled 2 years ago like
they were supposed to we're sure his face would have healed up on
it's own long ago.  However, Rob reminded me that it's been 2 years
this way (and trying to get vets to do SOMETHING) so he may take a
bit more time to bounce back.  Let's hope so.

On Thursday night at 11:20 p.m. we got a call from our new wonderful
vet.. she had just gotten the results from the radiologist.  He feels that
it is a swollen lymph gland and that we should definitely pursue surgery.
She wanted to make sure we knew right away as she is fully aware of
the MH in this line and wanted to set our minds at rest as quickly as
possible.  Now that's a dedicated vet and one that I want on our side.
We had been looking for a new vet for the last 2 years after ours retired.
I'm glad we found her!

So Hannah did undergo surgery to have the growth removed from
between her toes.  It has been sent off for biopsy but we won't know 
until about Wednesday what we're looking at.  The vet did laser surgery
and she said everything went very well.  Hannah has to keep a bandage
on her foot (looks like a golf club!) for one week so the pressure from 
standing on her foot does not pull the stitches apart.  She's being very
good at getting it covered before going outside.  The vet gave us IV 
bags to go over the bandage.Those are the greatest thing... really thing 
and much better than grocery bags.  Hannah is running around like 
nothing even happened to her foot.  She's not even limping.  She's
bounced back really well.  Now it's just a matter of waiting for the biopsy 
results.  I'll let you know what we find out... everyone keep their fingers
crossed that it's benign.

Sherry & Rob Hartung
Kitchener Ontario Canada

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