Hi All!
    Just had to pass on that Barney (Aussie) finished his Excellent Jumpers
title on Friday after having spent more than a year in open jumpers.
    Also Boomer (Berner) picked up two legs towards his Open Standard
Preferred title with clean runs and first place both times.  His Open JWW
runs were good, only knocking two bars on Saturday and one today.
    Mo didn't come home with any legs but her attention was quite good and I
was pleased with her attempts.  We came very close to Open JWW legs for her
both days.  She had a bit of a problem with taking the tunnel trap instead
of the dog walk today.  Not a bad performance for a green Gordon Setter.

Claudia Brydon in NW PA
Barney OA AXJ AD (Aussie)
Boomer NAP NJP (Bernese Mountain Dog)
Mo NA NAJ (Gordon Setter Granddog)

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