>                     Also regarding hip dysplasia, my one year old has been
> diagnosed with severe hip dysplasia when she was only  about 7 mos old.
> cried when I saw her x-rays several months ago We are using different
> remedies to try and help, and 1000 mg glucosamine daily.
Bless you I know just how you feel, my Ron is severe bilaterally and I too
cried at the xrays in his fifth month.  But we immediately started the
adequan series and he had an immediate positive response, started jumping on
the couch etc.  With diet and supps he does it all and does not quit
anything any sooner than the others nor does he lay sore the second day
after !  I consider food the key to any dysplastic dog and have seen many a
'down dog' come up with just the diet alone!
There is a yahoo group  for HD, [EMAIL PROTECTED], loads of info on
supps , diet, exercise and surgeries in the archives.  It is really quite
right now but the archives are full.
Swimming is the best thing to do for an HD dog, you want to develop those
rear muscles and in massaging it is the inner thigh of the rear legs you
want to get well massages as it is that ligament that tightens and does 'the
charlie horse thing'.  It takes some work to massage and you usually have to
start slow as it is always sore there.  Once she discovers how great that
massage works she will beg you to do it when it hurts!  There is a file in
the achives of the HD group with a good description on this massage .
If you are using gluc HCL and it does not work try the sulfate and visa
versa.  Salmon oil and vit E are just standard supps but do grand things in
an ortho dog.  I will stop blabbing here as I sometimes tend to write a book
on natural things to help an HD dog ;0)  Just look in the archives on that
group , giggle.....but food is a biggie! as it is in humans too.
Good luck and feel free to write me privately
Support is good with folks who are working and have worked through this
successfully as each dog is different so you need a vast supply of 'things
to use and do'
Rusty C & Good Company

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