Here's the latest on Eddie and Hannah...

Eddie has finally rebounded.  After talking to the vet, we
figured he was in pain so we put him on some Metacam for
a few days and he started to eat.  Thursday he started running
around the yard like a new born colt.  Friday we had him in to
the vet for a checkup of his face.  The holes in his mouth where
his teeth were pulled are healing nicely.  His face is healing up
really nicely too.  There was some oozing initially but that has 
stopped and dried up.  The incision is healing up really well.  He 
gets the stitches out on August 11th.

Hannah is running around like nothing ever happened to her.  She
sure is her Mother's (Zoe) daughter!  She's happy, alert and eating,
though nothing comes between her and her food.   She's being
such a good girl getting her "bootie" on whenever she goes outside.

Now for the bad news... Hannah's biopsy results have been returned
and it's Grade 2 Mast Cell.  The pathologist was very surprised to see
it between the toes as this is a very rare spot.  It's also a spot where
it's difficult to get the 3 cm margins that they like to see without
amputating the entire foot.  They (as in Guelph OVC) are suggesting
needle biopsy into the lymph gland and radiation.  After a LOT of
research, many long hours discussing with the vet, looking at age 
and history of the line, soul searching, sleepless nights, and Hannah's
happiness, we have decided not to pursue radiation.  Our focus is to 
keep Hannah as happy as she currently is for as long as possible 
without putting a lot of stress on her.  We are doing some supplements, 
immune boosters and are looking at homeopathic treatments.  Hannah 
is one who absolutely hates to be brushed or feet touched (hence why
she goes to the groomer).  I sat her down the other night and told her 
she was going to have to cooperate with full body examinations on a 
very regular basis so we can monitor any lumps and bumps.  I hope
she understood!!!

Sherry & Rob Hartung
Kitchener Ontario Canada

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