Hey all,

  We have a slight problem here at our house.  We left for a dog
show/vacation and were gone for 10 days.  When we got back we (or I
unfortunatly) found out the hard way that the dog freezer (half full of
chicken and steak) had gotten unplugged somehow while we were packing to
leave, and had been sitting rotting for the 10 days we were gone.  We thank
god for good seals, no maggots, but the stentch is insain.  We managed to
clean the nasty gunk out of the freezer, but we cannot get the smell out of
the freezer.  Does anyone have any idea's on how to get it out.  We have
tried bleech, and have packages of baking soda sitting in it now.  if anyone
has any idea's we'd appriciate it.

PS. If you feel sorry for me, and the smell we came home to, just think of
what the garbage man felt like, a week later when he picked up the garbage
:(  poor guy

Jenny Pollard & Kozzie
St Paul, MN

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