Sunday, August 10, Nor-Ham's Q litter (of 9) turns 7.
It's been amazing to watch Panda (aka Nor-Ham's
Quellen Panda Conn) mature from a grumpy old man (at
the age of 12 weeks) to a sweet mellow fellow. 

Two of his sister's are conformation champions (and at
least one has had litters of her own). Panda
attempting to add a CD to his litter's
accomplishments. Today, he would have had a 171 for
his second leg, but broke the sit stay. It would have
been nice to have a shot at finishing on his seventh
birthday, but I think he's trying to prolong the
training as long as possible (more treats!)

His biggest accomplishment, beyond that first leg (at
188 1/2!), has been the amount of work he's done on (aka the Internet Bernese
Mountain Dog Consortium's PandaSite). 

So happy seventh birthday to all the Qs! (and if you
are out there with a Q or an offspring of a Q, contact

And if Panda does finish his CD this fall and I take
Bison to the National, I'll take him for the Parade of
Veterans and Titleholders! (And who knows, I just
might enter him in Veterans so folks can see what an
amazing mover he is!)

Adam Conn (and Amy Conn)
Nor-Ham's Quellen Panda Conn 
Capezza's Pick Your Pockets (leading the ASCA
National's Parade of Rescues in September!)
Southwind TME Purple Majesty (attempting to be the
wettest showberner ever in his kiddie pool!)

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