Well, what with East Coast US Power Down and Blasterworm!!

Hoping, all paws crossed here, that you have survived!

Hmm! All lists slow at the moment!

Biggest hugs you all! We know what power cuts are like! Ours was down a
while ago, living in the country you expect this, always prepared! Hmm! But
did live in London many years ago too when IRA bomb took out power and phone
lines! Guess I am happier here with the outages! At least have log pile,
batteries and candles and know power down is due lightning strike or farmer
hitting pole with his tractor!

Hope you on the East Coast, US, came through OK! Must have been awful time
not knowing what had happened!

Re Blaster Virus!

Microsoft had actually put up the patch for this defect in Windows some
weeks ago, so anyone updating Windows on a regular basis would be protected
anyway. Plenty of pre-publicity on this virus so was much a non-event as the
Millenium Bug! Microsoft did not go down!!! But still many computers are

Please check out your security, this bug is still around and does not come
in through email, random computer can home in on you when you are online!
And new version out already!

Forward Update:
>It didn't take long for a quick copycat of MSBlast to show its face.
Wednesday, Moscow-based security firm Kaspersky Labs detected a variation of
the MSBlast worm loose in the wild.
The worm, which has not yet been named, is a near doppelganger of MSBlast,
with only slight changes. The name of the primary worm-carrier
file--MSBLAST.EXE in the original--is now TEEKIDS.EXE. The variation's code
has also been compressed with FSG rather than UPX, and a new string of text
buried within the code takes different potshots at both Microsoft and
anti-virus developers.

If you don't have a Firewall installed, get one fast! These worms are not
coming in through email attachments, they pinpoint weak spots when you are

Get your Firewall, check Windows Updates and AntiVirus Software! Again!

Sad but true! Being online used to be fun!

These days you have to spend time getting in the latest MailWasher, AVG,
ZoneAlert and Pestpatrol Updates (not to mention Microsoft) before you dare
to get mail in!

Thankfully, all well here at Longlease!

Porn/Spam Mail is now down to around 50 a day!! Hmmm! Is that my Mailwasher
program working at last or did those folks get Blasted by the worm?????

Hah! All well here! Still hot! They said it would be cooler!

One day they will get the weather forecasts right!

All Love,

Jean, Sunny, Sim, Barney and the Longlease Gang

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