Hi All,
    I have Boomer in training for a draft test in a couple of months.  We're
making good progress but don't have equipment.  Does anyone have a
competition cart that they would be willing to loan or rent or sell very
reasonably?  I don't want to sink a lot of money into a competition cart as
my plan, beyond trying for a title or two is to be able to haul the
grandchildren around.  So I'm saving my money towards a cart suitable for
that (If I can ever figure out what kind of cart that is).
    I'll also take any advice that anyone wants to give.  We're making great
progress using an old harness that I found and a U shaped travois I
fabricated from pvc pipe but that won't be sufficient for the test and I
can't weight it and it doesn't have wheels.  I think that I could figure out
how to put wheels on it though.  Thanks.

Claudia Brydon in NW PA
Barney OA AXJ AD (Aussie)
Boomer NAP NJP (Bernese Mountain Dog)
Mo NA NAJ (Gordon Setter Granddog)

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