Just a few (okay, not so few) words to emphasize how important this can be:

My Sophia is a BARC rescue. She is a Hungarian import, and although the odds
are that none of you will be importing any of her relatives for your
breeding programs, there may be those among you with relatives, as there are
those brokers who have been importing Hungarian Berners for at least two
years, and I have no doubts that they will continue to do so as long as it
is profitable.

Sophia had her OFA x-rays taken this spring and sent in a couple of months
ago. I got the results back yesterday. Unfortunately, my vet had partially
filled out the forms and didn't transfer much of the information I had given
him, so OFA has slightly different information from what I have entered in
BG. But Sophia (registered name Radisson Carmen) has been entered, and Pat
has the health information I sent her from the OFA results.

Sophia's x-rays indicate moderate hip dysplasia, with subluxation,
remodeling of femoral head/neck, and shallow acetabula.
Her elbows are both Grade II, with findings of DJD.

She has had transient limps a large portion of her life, so this didn't
really come as a surprise, and I suspect a slight tilt to her pelvis/hips
hasn't helped. But if only she had had relatives in Berner-Garde so that I
would have been better prepared for my own roller coaster of a reaction to
reading these findings.

I wouldn't want anyone to buy or breed any relative of hers without this
knowledge of her orthopedics. I am more convinced than ever of the need to
check as many dogs in a pedigree as you can. There are certainly those
imports whose progeny don't carry kennel names that provide any clue where
they came from, and we know that there are those who have bought registered
dogs from pet stores whose foreign background may only be evident with a
pedigree search.

I don't know what Sophia's future holds, but I do know that I would feel
awful if any of you were to breed a relative of hers and end up with a whole
litter with the same challenges. I know that I will treat the dog and not
the x-rays, and I will give her the best life I can.

Berner-Garde gives us the information we have to have if we are going to
improve the health of the breed. We owe it to our dogs to make use of it,
and to support those who make it available to us.

Liz Caldwell
Lawrence, KS 
with a motley crew of canines

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dr. William B. Neff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 10:35 AM
> Subject: RE: Berner-Garde Fundraiser
> TERRIFIC!!!   I am always HAPPY to hear that another check is 
> coming for 
> Berner-Garde.    THANK  YOU.
> I'll let you know when your check arrives.

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