As you know, Moses, nine years young, has bone cancer; he is gloriously happy and completely mobile ten months post amputation and seven months post chemotherapy. Xrays thus far, done every three or four months, show that he is in remission, thank God.
Ascertain that your dogs' doctors have checked the lungs for possible spread. Moses' bone cancer revealed itself as a suspicious shadow, discovered during Xrays for arthritis, on his left femur. A bone biopsy revealed osteosarcoma.
With this cancer, which is aggressive and painful, time if of the essence; action must be taken quickly.
Treatment can be very successful with some dogs still alive and doing well two or so years later.
Amputation removes the primary tumor. Chemo. removes the microscopic spread, usually present at the time of diagnosis, of the cancer.
Moses is quite comfortable and his quality of life is excellent.
Lisa Allen

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