Whew.....that is good news!!! I hope the news keeps coming like that. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and will eagerly more good news from you later tonight!!!

Love and hugs,

--On Tuesday, September 02, 2003 6:41 PM -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:r

Just got off the phone from the emergency vets office. They said her heart
showing signs of arrythmia [sp] earlier and her heart rate jumped to 200
[normal resting berner is around 90]. With an infusion of Lydocain they
have it down to 130.

She is not out of the woods. But the vet was optomistic, saying she is a
real trooper and wagging her tail and wanting to love on all the staff.
That's my girl.

The hardest part is not being able to see her. They have asked that I
don't so she is not further upset. I understand, but still it is so very
hard to just sit here, waiting.

To all my wonderful friends on the berner-l.....I cannot thank you enough
for the tons of supportive e-mails I have gotten. There are prayers being
said, candles lit......I can't believe the outpouring of support. I love
you all. Please understand if it takes me a bit to reply.....I will keep
sending updates to the list. I hate to stay on the computer too long, as
I have to use the phone line and I am trying to keep it open in case the
vet has to call suddenly.

I will call them again before I go to bed and again first thing in the
morning and will let you all know how Ari is doing.

Thank you all again so much. It means so much to me to know that Ari has
so many praying for her.

Most sincerely


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