look who got herself a fancy new tote bag to carry her fancy new sweater

Hi Jennier,

Isn't it exciting to win things in the Fundraisers? Congratulations!!!

The funny thing is that it's even exciting when you don't win something, because in our fundraisers, you know many of the people who did win and you feel happy for them...AND....you also have a warm, happy feeling because you know that your contribution has helped our wonderful Berners!!!

I did want that Thomas the Tank Engine shelf, but I'll have to order it
myself from Ozark Railway :-)!
* Yes, that's an added benefit for the generous vendors who donate such lovely items to our fundraisers. People try to win them, but if they don't win, many times they do purchase items from them, which is nice, too.

Now about the berner pillow and berner etching -- how do I go about
getting myself one of those? Anyone have a web site for these items??
* If there is a website in the box with the donor's name, that usually means that you can order the item if you didn't win it.

As far as those lovely etchings are concerned, they are a limited edition with BARC (Berner Auction Recue Coalition) and can be ordered from Jane Heggen < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >

And here's hoping there will be more Willem paintings for the next fund
raiser!!!!! Keep 'em coming Willem!
* OH BOY.....are you ever going to LOVE the Thanksgiving Fundraiser that we are going to have!! It is going to be an exclusive "Willem Wijnberg Item Fundraiser" to raise money to fight cancer in our Berners. He has been working very hard to supply us with some paintings and prints, but I'm not going to spoil the surprise.... you'll just have to wait until I launch that Thanksgiving Fundraiser.

We have a Fundraiser for BEHAF (Berner Emergency Health Assistance Fund) coming up real soon - it will start in early October and run until mid-November. I don't have enough items for that fundraiser just yet, and would happily accept berner items now. Just send me an e-mail and tell me what you are donating, and send it to me, so I can photograph it and get it on our website. BEHAF is in need of money so they can help Berners in need of medical assistance. You can check out their website at:

In the next week, I will be doing a MINI-FUNDRAISER for LOC (Light One Candle.) Did you know that our lobbying funds will run out next month? We need to raise some quick money so we can continue our lobbying efforts for our Berners. So....I will be announcing a short 2 week Mini-Fundraiser for LOC. There will be just seven very nice items for this fundraiser and from the time it's announced you will have to send in your checks right away. NO dilly dallying....or procrastinating....or thinking you'll do it later. There won't be time for that - you will have to DO IT RIGHT AWAY!!!!

Of course, I have plans already in the works for fundraiser for 2004 - we'll do one for BARC and of course we'll also do the 2004 Annual Berner-Garde Fundraiser again. I already have a bunch of Berner items in boxes in my gameroom (actually it's now knows as "Fundraiser Central" in my house.)

So....keep saving your change.... or keep not buying something each day and putting that money away for our fundraisers....or get a 2nd job to support your Berner Fundraiser habit....or whatever you do to be able to generously support our Berners causes, because I am going to have lots to tempt you over the next months!!!

THANK YOU to everyone who helps with the fundraisers and especially to Karen Pickel who labors over our websites to make them very special. Without all of you none of these fundraisers would amount to much!!!

Berner hugs from
Joye and Nicky
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

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