Hello All,


So an exec asked this of me.  He would like to have both home Outlook
items and Work Outlook items on his phone.  


-          BlackBerry is owned by him.

-          Wants his personal email, calendar and contacts to appear on

-          Also wants his work stuff as well.


I've recommended Google Sync, however told him to hold off on this as
I've never personally used this with my gmail account.  So my question
is this (two-fold):


Have you used Google Sync to do what is outlined above?  Anything to
know about prior to recommending it?

Do you know of a third-party software which will accomplish this that
works better than that of Google Sync?


Thanks in advance...


Mark Eggan | ITS Help Desk | 259 -8142

Information Systems Specialist II

 P Please consider the environment before printing this message.


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