I'm also wondering if the RPF should not sit in the MPLS module as it could be 
used for any types of labels advertised to a neighbor.

From: BESS [mailto:bess-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2018 15:25
To: draft-ietf-bess-l3vpn-y...@ietf.org; bess@ietf.org
Subject: [bess] Comments on L3VPN yang

Hi Authors,

Please find some comments on the current model:

-          I don't understand the "advertise-as-vpn" leaf under global-imports, 
what is the use case ?

-          Same question for "bgp-valid-route" leaf

-          Why do you have a long list of protocols within the global-imports ? 
Isn't it the goal of the route-policy referenced earlier ? Moreover I do not 
think that it is a good idea to use the enum type here as protocol names ,when 
referring to, should not change across all routing configurations within a node.

-          Export to global may also require a policy to filter

-          Some description fields are just "."

-          How do you plan the tunnel policy to be used ?

-          Would be great to have RTs configurable for both IPv4/IPv6 without 
redefining the config for each address family.

-          While I think the "forwarding-mode" under interface is a good thing, 
it looks really a Cisco like config statement that other implementations do not 
have. Wouldn't it be better  to have a knob to enable mpls packet processing on 
an interface ; maybe in the MPLS yang model ?

-           What is the goal of the "route-policy" within 
"retain-route-targets" under the BGP peer AFI/SAFI ? I usually two use case 
(auto policy => import RTs are derived from VRF configuration, or keep all), 
what is the use case you want to address here ?

-          What is the "vpn-prefix-limit" within "retain-route-targets" under 
the BGP peer AFI/SAFI ? Is it a generic BGP prefix-limit ? If yes, we need to 
keep it generic within the BGP model.

-          IMO, the label mode should sit within the VRF and not at the BGP 
level. Each VRF may have a different flavor.

-          Why do you define bgp-label-mode and routing-table-limit for ipv4 
unicast and ipv6 unicast ? Does not seem to be L3VPN related..

-          For iBGP PE-CE, notion of independent domain with attr-set usage 
seems to miss in the model

-          Unequal cost path loadbalancing option is missing from the VRF config

-          Do we need a config statement to enable local import/export between 
local VRFs ?

-          I suppose that IGP/BGP configuration in VRF is inherited from core 
routing model.

-          Do you have to enrich routing policy model with ability to 
set/delete/match RTs, SoOs ?

-          Do we have to create/enrich RIB-in/RIB-out/Loc-RIB entries for BGP 
L3VPN prefixes ?

-          What about PIC Edge/PE-CE link protection configuration ?

-          Need notification for the route table limit alert

-          Do we have operational states with number of IPv4 and IPv6 routes 
within the instance ?

-          Do we have everything to support Carrier's of Carrier case ?




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