Thanks Adrian. All OK for me, with one inserted comment below.


On 10-Dec-19 23:07, Adrian Farrel wrote:
> Hi Brian,
> Thanks for your time with this.
> In line...
>> Comments:
>> ---------
>> I am not a BGP expert and did not check the BGP details. This
>> is a pretty complex mechanism so I would have liked to hear of
>> at least a lab-scale implementation. I wouldn't be shocked if
>> this was diverted to Experimental.
> At the moment I don't have access to a lab, so I won't comment about that.
> I will note four things:
> 1. I don't consider the mechanism to be "pretty complex", but "rather 
> simple". It may be that the difference is whether you have to pick up all of 
> BGP to understand this draft or whether it comes as a small increment.
> 2. Obviously (?) the document has had eyes from a number of BGP experts 
> especially a very careful review by the document shepherd. It was shared with 
> IDR and caught comments from one of the IDR chairs.
> 3. It's an IBGP mechanism not an EBGP mechanism, so the exposure to the 
> stability of the Internet is reduced.
> 4. The BESS chairs ran a poll on the list to determine whether to progress as 
> is in advance of implementations.
>> Minor issues:
>> -------------
>> Actually these are mainly questions:
> Questions are good.
>> There are numerous references, starting in the Abstract, to the
>> "Controller" but it isn't defined or described in any one place.
>> I expected to find it in RFC8300, but no. So what is the Controller?
> Right. This is a good catch. A "controller" is a centralised component 
> responsible for determining SFPs and maybe more. It is akin to an SDN 
> controller. We definitely need to add text for this.
> It is not an 8300 concept. Indeed, 8300 is principally focused on the 
> forwarding plane.
> Furthermore, the control plane and orchestration aspects of SFC are a bit 
> sketchy in 7665.
> draft-ietf-sfc-control-plane might have been a good source of information, 
> but the SFC WG appears to have given up on it.
> So, yes, we need a short definition in 1.2, and a paragraph in 2.2.
>> RFC8300 requires NSH+original_packet to be encapsulated in a Transport
>> Encapsulation. In section 2.1 we find:
>>>  Note that the presence of the NSH can make it difficult for nodes in
>>>  the underlay network to locate the fields in the original packet that
>>>  would normally be used to constrain equal cost multipath (ECMP)
>>>  forwarding.  Therefore, it is recommended that the node prepending
>>>  the NSH also provide some form of entropy indicator that can be used
>>>  in the underlay network.  How this indicator is generated and
>>>  supplied, and how an SFF generates a new entropy indicator when it
>>>  forwards a packet to the next SFF are out of scope of this document.
>> I would have expected that text to state that the entropy indicator is
>> a property of the Transport Encapsulation required by RFC8300. (Isn't
>> the Service Function Overlay Network in fact the embodiment of the
>> Transport Encapsulation?) 
> Well, yes and no.
> The entropy indicator is carried in the transport encapsulation, and is used 
> by the transport (underlay) network.
> But it is a property of the payload. In particular, it is a property of what 
> is encapsulated by the NSH.
> The mechanism that encapsulates for the transport would normally have 
> visibility into the payload to create the entropy indicator (hashing on 
> specific fields), but the inclusion of the NSH makes that harder. Hence the 
> recommendation that the entropy indicator is provided by the mechanism that 
> prepends the NSH.

Yes, understood. Of course IPv6 has its own header field precisely for this 
purpose and both RFC6437 and RFC6438 are there to help you ;-). Shame about 

> I think the text says this and that those skilled in the art (you have to 
> understand the use of the entropy indicators and the inclusion of the NSH) 
> will get this.
>> In section 2.2 we find:
>>>  When choosing the next SFI in a path, the SFF uses the SPI and SI as
>>>  well as the SFT to choose among the SFIs, applying, for example, a
>>>  load balancing algorithm or direct knowledge of the underlay network
>>>  topology as described in Section 4.
>> I'm probably missing something, but doesn't that risk a conflict with
>> the statement above about the entropy indicator? How would this choice
>> of path be guaranteed congruent with the choice of path by the underlay
>> network? Or doesn't that matter?
> No, this is a choice of SFIs, not a choice of paths between SFFs.
> The former is determining the path in the overlay, the latter (using the 
> entropy indicator) is selecting the path through the underlay.
>>> 4.4.  Classifier Operation
>>>  As shown in Figure 1, the Classifier is a component that is used to
>>>  assign packets to an SFP.
>>>  The Classifier is responsible for determining to which packet flow a
>>>  packet belongs (usually by inspecting the packet header),...
>> Would it be better to state explicitly that the method of classification
>> is out of scope for this document? There is a whole world of complexity
>> in that "(usually...)".
> Yes, happy to say it is out of scope.
>>> 4.5.  Service Function Forwarder Operation
>> This section left me a bit puzzled. We've got the original packet,
>> the classifier puts an NSH in front, we've got forwarding state,
>> but we don't seem to have an IP header in front of the NSH to hand to
>> the fowarding engine. Where's the Transport Encapsulation?
> OK. We can tweak that. We are principally interested in the overlay 
> forwarding in this section, but we should note that transmission between SFFs 
> is across the underlay and so there is a "transport" encapsulation.
>> Nits:
>> -----
>> "such errors should be logged" ... "should log the event"
>> "should either withdraw the SFPR or re-advertise it"
>> Intentional lower case "should"?
> We'll go through these. The first few I looked at are reciting behaviour 
> defined in 8300 and I don't think it is appropriate to use upper case for 
> that. It is "as defined in RFC 8300" not new normative text.
>> IDnits said:
>>  -- The document has examples using IPv4 documentation addresses according
>>     to RFC6890, but does not use any IPv6 documentation addresses.  Maybe
>>     there should be IPv6 examples, too?
> Maybe. I think we would need to add some v6 examples rather than convert some 
> of the existing (because there is a flow between the current examples).
> I'm not sure it is very important because there is no use of prefixes, but 
> I'd be happy to include some v6 examples if someone wants to draft a couple.
> Best,
> Adrian

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