rfc5575bis, when it came out of the WG had a section about error handling
including treat-as-withdraw.  As we processed and cleaned the document up
we ended up not defining specific effort handling for FS, but relying on
the behavior for Extended communities already specified somewhere else.

Just some digging help. :-)


On July 10, 2020 at 3:56:44 PM, Adrian Farrel (adr...@olddog.co.uk) wrote:

Thanks. I can accept either of your suggestions. I'm going to do some
archaeology to remind myself where the treat-as-withdraw came from. I have
some memory that it was IDR that pushed us to have this (and other) error
actions, but I may well be misremembering. Depending on what I discover, I
will pick one or the other of the suggestions and re-post.
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