OK got it. This is the request slimserver sends:

GET /twit.xml HTTP/1.1
Connection: close
Host: leo.users.sonic.net:80
Icy-Metadata: 1
User-Agent: iTunes/4.7.1 (Windows; N; Windows XP; 586; EN; cp1252)
Cache-Control: no-cache
Accept: */*

masquerading as iTunes? Not sure how I feel about that ;)

Anyway...the problem is the :80 on the end of the Host line. Take that
off and it works fine. The port number is valid under RFC2616 but I see
the host in question is running an old version of Apache - I guess it
has a bug in it's virtual host matching routine or something (or maybe
it's just got some weird config). 

Anyway, if AsyncHTTP.pm could be modified to not include the port
number when it's the default for the service (i.e. 80 for HTTP) then
this would be fixed, and we'd still be RFC compliant.

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