>well, I'm not sure about this one.  I'm going to think a while.  I made a
>change, and as you know, there was an issue raised immediately. Home is what
>users are used to, and a 'go' button is, well, cheesy. Ideally, I'd like the
>menu to react to ANY selection, not just a different one.
Well, to me "Home" doesn't take you to a set page, it just refreshes the 
current browse mode.  If the "Home" link were to always go to a specific page 
(eg. "Browse Artists", being the first item in the browse list) then it would 
make more sense.

I don't like the cheesy IE6 "Go" button either!  It doesn't have to look like 
that - it could simply be that the "Home" link should be moved beside the 
browse pull-down.

BTW, the "--- Browse Music ---" grouping items cause a javascript error if they 
are selected - "Suffix is undefined" line 160.

>> 5. The Play button could be moved closer to the left-hand side, to align with
>> the Repeat option beneath it. (With a thin window, I find the trebble
>> indicator doesn't fit in the window - moving the buttons over slightly to the
>> left would probably make things fit nicer).
>Oddly, these two items were already sharing the same padding settings.  On a
>thin window, they are automatically squashed as far as that will allow.  I have
>tried to compress the controls as much as possible.  It is about all I can do
>without getting ugly.
It looks like all the buttons and repeat/shuffle/power are centred within the 
frame.  Perhaps if the play/pause/fwd/rwd button group were left-aligned in a 
table cell to force them to the left of the frame, and the Volume/Bass/Trebble 
were right-aligned in a cell, things might fit nicer?  It's not a big deal 

BTW, if I browse to an album that has a cover.jpg file associated with it, it 
displays at the actual file dimension size.  I just stumbled across one album 
that has artwork size of 2574 x 2250 pixels!  Is it possible to constrain the 
maximum size to eg. 300x300 (or maybe 30% of the width of the frame)?

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