Hi slimpy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

>> As I understand it, if you have two VA albums of the same name, and all
>> tracks on both albums are tagged as belonging to a compilation, all
>> tracks will appear on one album in slimserver.
>No, the only way to determine if two albums have the same name is by
>looking at the contributor. If two tracks have different contributors
>they are marked as two different albums. However, this does not work
>for compilation albums as they have different contributors by
>definition. You would end up with as many albums as there are tracks in
>your compilation unless slimserver recognizes the tracks as compilation
>tracks. That's why you have to use the compilation tags.
>Now, if there are no compilation tags and each track is regarded as
>belonging to a different album, how should automatic compilation
>recognition work?

I think Dan has said that for a single album we don't need the Compilation tag 
on each track if all tracks are in the same folder.  However, if there are two 
albums with identical album titles with different track contributers, 
slimserver will determine that all of the tracks belong on a single VA album.

Is it not possible that slimserver could make a judgement that there are in 
fact two VA albums with the same title based on tracks being in the same 
folder?  I think that would reduce the probability of bad tag scanning to 0.5% 

Fortunately I don't use iTunes which has a habbit of organising tracks in 
folders such as artist/album/track, including various artist albums.  So if 
there were two VA albums called "Remixes", sourced from iTunes, there is no 

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