JJZolx wrote:
> Robin Bowes Wrote: 
>> Please bear in mind that this is beta software - it has bugs. If you're
>> not prepared to encounter and either fix, report, or live with them
>> then
>> beta software is not for you.
> Just saying now I can relate...
> Have you ever had a problem with something that your gut feeling tells
> you has nothing to do with it being beta?  Something more fundamentally
> wrong with the entire system?  This is one of those.

No, I haven't ever had that feeling.

I often run into issues running trunk. If I ever hit anything that
breaks slimserver completely I just switch to a stable version.

There's nothing fundamentally wrong with slimserver, but there are bugs
in the beta versions (it's actually more what I would call alpha
quality, but that argument has been had several times previously).


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