I'm having a problem.  I use Softsqueeze at work through an SSH tunnel
to my home server.  I've upgraded to 6.5b and Softsqueeze 3.0b2.

When I'm using Random Play, the audio hangs quite frequently. 
Sometimes at the start of a song, sometimes at the end of a song, and
frequently at 0:55 from the end of a song.  If I play an album normally
it's fine.  If I use Randp Play on my SB2 at home or on Softsqueeze at
home it also seems to not have any problems.  I haven't tried turning
off MP3 transcoding at work, since I'm suspicious the issue is CPU
triggered since Random Play does burn some CPU picking tracks (the Kuro
Box doesn't have CPU to spare) and avoiding the FLAC->MP3 step might
change the behavior.

Mind you, this was happing with SoftSqueeze 2.8 and 6.3.0 as well, but
not nearly as much.  It would only pause at the ends of songs, and only
once or twice a day.

I'm guessing I may need to run a bug report or do more testing--is
there any data I should be trying to collect?  I could run some packet
captures or try different scenarios (I could open ports on my home
router and try it without the SSH tunnel for instance.)


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