My tags for artist R.E.M. are inconsistent.  For some albums, I have "REM", 
elsewhere I have "R.E.M." and "R. E. M.".  I guess freedb is inconsistent.

I have decided to stick with REM.

A search for "REM" doesn't find "R.E.M.".

I tried a standard search for "R." to find all other occurances.  However, this 
search finds any artist that has an R in it.  I assumed that punctuation was 
being ignored.

I tried a search for "R.E.M.", which found exact matches for "R.E.M." but not 
"REM".  A search for "R. E. M." also returned the same set of matches that 
"R.E.M." found.  So it appears to do some kind of tailoring of the input search 
string, but I can't quite work out the rules.

So I'm wondering how searching for punctuation actually works.

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