pippin;253413 Wrote: 
> I BELIEVE we would need a generalized API to provide the functionality
> that cmdwrappers is delivering now (opening a container, placing an
> item, selecting stuff) through the JSON/RPC  I/F. You can easily send
> JS code through JSON and I would envision that you have a hook for skin
> development that let's the skin developer implement generalized classes
> for "cmdwrappers" commands and then a plugin can just call those and
> deliver JS code through JSON/RPC to a callback function in the skin
> itself.
You might be correct, I only have the plugin half of the picture.

Which ever solution we choose I think it is important to try to have
responsibility like this:

Plugin responsibility:
- Provide data that should be presented

Skin repsonsibility:
- Provide layout and implementation of the presentation

The plugin developer would like to develop a plugin and only have to
think about the default skin in SC. If it works in the default skin the
optimal situation is that it should then also work in all the other

The skin developer on the other hand want to implement the presentation
like layout, colors but don't like to be bothered with implementing
interfaces for every specific plugin page. Instead it should be enough
for the skin developer if he implements the skin towards the plugins
bundled with SC and then it should work automatically with all the
third party plugins.

This is obviously a bit optimistic view of the picture, but I think we
need to have something like this in mind when choosing how to make the
current skin functionality reusable. If we get a solution where a
plugin is required to implement skin specific JS or HTML code for every
skin available a new skin won't get much plugin support. The same
reasoning could also be applied to skin developing, if a skin developer
is required to implement support for every specific plugin it will be to
hard to implement a new skin.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' (http://erland.homeip.net) 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'
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