Siduhe;273303 Wrote: 
> I'm assuming that you're just trying to play a normal internet radio
> URL, not via AlienBBC or any other plugin?

No plugins for radio at all. Just playing a normal URL from Favorites.
Actually only plugin I've installed so far on SC is LazySearch as I
cannot be without that one.

Siduhe;273303 Wrote: 
> It sounds a little as if when Squeezecenter first starts up, it doesn't
> have access to the internet for some reason (perhaps your wireless
> connection hasn't yet been established on the box running
> Squeezecenter?).

No, can't be that. SC runs on a dedicated server which is wired and my
Internet access is very stable so nothing wrong there either. Also,
this problem was there before when I ran an older beta, after some time
the SB3's needed a powercycle before starting to stream, after the
powercycle it works for a while. Also, the wireless network is stable
and other devices does not show any problems, just the two SB3's, and
just after I upgraded to SC and the new firmware which came with it.

Siduhe;273303 Wrote: 
> Do the logs show anything when you try to play the stream first time?

I haven't really checked, which logs should I check? I have not
powercycled my other SB3 after the upgrade yet, so I can check if that
shows my problem now.

Siduhe;273303 Wrote: 
> Also, do you have SC set to automatically run at login, or as a service?

SC runs as a service on a dedicated server which is always up.


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