Millwood;358220 Wrote: 
> How does the new built in streaming/sync compare to the sync options
> plugin on 7.2.1, which I run?

I must admit that i've never used the sync options plugin...i should
probably check this out.

At least the old (<7.3) system was not able to
- automatically resample+transcode(*) hd-audio files, but only if the
player does not support the high sample frequency, in my case for the
SBR from 88.2 -> 44.1
- seek in this transcoded stream 
- combined with synchronized players + gapless/crossfading

I understand that many things could go wrong in this complex system -
but it works! Maybe there are still some edge cases to work on but
nevertheless new streaming seems very well thought out.

kind regards,

(*) to mp3 using lame. this is ok for ambient listing + you don't have
to resample those tracks manually and manage two copies. For "active"
listing the transporter plays them unaltered.

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