twynne;388958 Wrote: 
> What specific settings do you refer to by 'power management'?  I can't
> see anything on my controller that relates to power.
> I'm on server 7.3.2 if that matters.

Power management is in Settings>Advanced>Factory Test>Power Management.
If you have to use it permamemtly, however, the -'turn off power save'-
button is really a -'i have plenty of battery life and could do with a
little less'- button.

I'd think of it as a [i]'i want to troubleshoot disconnection problems
and plan to turn it back on later'[i] button, and would try contacting
support if you can't keep it connected while using power save. That's
just me though, i want all the life I can get, and really don't like
being suddenly cut off by the please recharge NOW screen.

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