doundounba;405391 Wrote: 
> Hi all,
> Just attempting to have a look at Squeezeplay for the first time. 
> Since I ran into the bug described above by kesey in trying to use the
> nightly deb package on my Ubuntu box, I had to build from source.
> For the record, and since - AFAICT - it appears that neither the Wiki
> ( nor
> the README.linux file are up to date, I was able to get a functional
> build (of 7.3-4744) after having installed the following packages (and
> their dependencies):
> * build-essential
> * flex
> * bison
> * subversion
> * cramfsprogs
> * automake
> * fakeroot
> * libtool
> * libncurses5-dev
> * gettext
> * libssl-dev
> * libpng12-dev
> * libjpeg62-dev
> * libexpat1-dev
> * libreadline5-dev
> * libx11-dev
> * xorg-dev
> * portaudio19-dev
> I am running Kubuntu 8.04.2.  Note that I didn't test that all of these
> were strictly necessary.  Note also that some of the packages described
> in bug #10313 ( don't
> seem to be necessary (libportaudio-doc, libportaudio-ocaml,
> libportaudio-ocaml-dev,  portaudio19-doc and libportaudio0), but not
> having portaudio19-dev resulted in something that built and ran but
> didn't have audio (obviously) and, for some odd reason, wouldn't
> connect to the server.  Now it seems to be working properly (and looks
> fairly nice, IMHO).

Nice work, but did you see that there's a .deb? :-)

Mark Lanctot

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