
we're planning to add some (optional) semi-automatic SqueezeCenter update  
mechanism. To achieve this SC will check for the availability for new  
releases as it always did. But instead of only display a message in the  
web UI it will download the file in the background, and inform the user  
when it's ready to be installed.

As we can't test this without a new release, we've modified the update  
check to check for 7.4 nightly builds instead. Thus if you're running 7.4,  
it will start downloading daily updates for you.

Some IMPORTANT caveats:

- this is currently Windows only, OSX can download automatically, but  
there's no notification
- installers will be downloaded to your cache folder. As it will be  
downloading builds every day, you might want to clean that folder from  
time to time. 10 daily Windows builds will sum up to about 400-500MB!
- you can disable this feature in Settings/Advanced/Software - if you've  
disabled version checking before, this magic won't happen

Please let us know whether it works for you or not, whether you see the  
notification etc. Thanks in advance for testing!

This feature will be in revision 25975 and later (expect it in tomorrow's  


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