I've been using SoftSqueeze on my 4 core Vista PC for ages. I totally
ignore the interface and use SC to control it. I never could understand
why you would mimic a handheld control on a fully functional PC.
However, the sound is good. I get no dropouts and it syncs perfectly to
my Duet in another room. Immediately after loading SoftSqueeze, the
first thing I do is minimise, ignore it and pretend it is a headless

I've just experimented with SqueezePlay. 

My first point is that dropouts occur every thirty seconds or so (on
the same rig where SoftSqueeze is perfect) and it is out of sync with my
Duet. I can flick back and forth between SoftSqueeze and SoftPlay with
no dropout or sync problems on SS but lots on SP. 

My second point harks back to my criticism of SoftSqueeze in mimicking
a handheld controller for the GUI. Why, when I have a 22" screen, a
keyboard and a mouse do I want to mimic the Duet controller? As with
SoftSqueeze, I found it much easier to use SC to control it. The Duet
controller interface is very good for a small handheld device (as good
as the iPod's), but it just does not make sense on a PC. The major
principles of good GUI design are to adhere to standards, make controls
visible and avoid surprises. On a modern PC, menus and on-screen
controls should provide the primary interface with the keyboard
providing acceleration. SP provides on-screen menus but no on-screen
controls and relies on keyboard input that is not documented in the
interface but in a separate text document that quite a lot of commenters
have failed to find. 

As SP stands at the moment, it provides a much poorer user interface
than the Duet controller mainly because it doesn't provide on-screen
controls to mimic the controller buttons and this leaves the user
guessing how to control it. With those controls in place it could be as
good as the controller. But that can never be as good as a bespoke PC or
Net application.

I've re-read my comments and they may come across as negative. They are
certainly critical, but my intention was to make what, I hope, are
helpful comments that can assist in improving SP. I'll keep dipping into
SqueezePlay to to see how its coming on but in the meantime, its back to
old trusty. Like a few other commenters on this thread, what I really
want is a headless player and then use SC as the GUI.

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