>I've changed all scanning in the current 7.4 over to the new scanner
>code I've been working on.  I expect there will be bugs.
Are you saying this is now merged to 7.4/trunk?

>I've started a wiki page that attempts to describe how the new scanner in 7.4 
>please read it and let me know if you need more info or have problems.
Is MusicIP interraction still supported?  I think I read somewhere that it 
didn't work in the noweb-sqlite branch?

I guess that MySQL support is still missing?  Any adeas of a timeline for that? 
 Until it is supported, or all plugins have been converted, I can't use this as 
my day-to-day server, and have to run SQLite version in parallel for beta 

Does anyone know of a decent (preferably freeware) GUI SQLite query analyser?  
I haven't found a decent one yet - running queries and capturing results with 
the console sqlite.exe command is such a chore.

Do you think that some existing bugs are now fixed?  eg. if compilation status 
is changed, a scan for new/changed files will actually correctly apply the 
change to the DB?

Unsure from the page how auto rescan works.  Is this a mode that can be 
enabled, so the library is automatically kept up to date?  Does it 
automatically kick in the instant it sees a single file has changed?  Other 
apps have a delay, such that it will start scanning a minute or so after it has 
detected no further file updates (to avoid file system thrashing, and less 
likely to get things wrong where songs on the same album are written back in a 

Rescannng in process (rather than spawning another process) - what modes do 
this, is it controllable?  I think scanning in another process was better than 
in the server process, to avoid drop-outs in the music.  Is in-process using 
another thread now?
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