So, here's the last findings verifying the above Fedora 11 install
against a Windows XP/SP3 (Perl 5.10, svn) install of SC7.4-27807

1. Scanner.log looks better (no double-encoded UTF8 in Windows log):
-[09-07-25 19:13:32.3679] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::new (373)
Handling new track M:\Music\Tagged\Ärzte, Die\Ärzte, Die - Bäst Of (disc
2_ B-Seiten)\Ärzte, Die - Zusamm'fassung (extended 1).mp3-

2. As opposed to the Linux version, extended characters in the
directory name don't lead to "unmixable" in the Windows version.

3. SC-generated playlists (UTF8+BOM) aren't read correctly by the
Windows version, if they contain extended characters:

    #EXTINF:-1,Ave Maria
  M:\Music\Tagged\Baez, Joan\Baez, Joan - Noël\Baez, Joan - Ave Maria.mp3

    [09-07-25 20:52:12.1443] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::new (415) Handling 
new playlist M:\Music\Playlists\SqueezeCenter\BIRGIT.m3u
  [09-07-25 20:52:12.3346] Slim::Formats::Playlists::Base::playlistEntryIsValid 
(120) Warning: file:///M:/Music/Tagged/Baez,%20Joan/Baez,%20Joan%20-%20No found 
in playlist:
        file:///M:/Music/Playlists/SqueezeCenter/BIRGIT.m3u doesn't exist on 
disk - skipping!

As you can see, the entry is terminated at the "ë" character in "Noël".

I propose that SC should be able to at least -read- playlists in both
ISO-8859-1 (the standard) and UTF8 encodings correctly on all platforms,
as it did before.

4. When using Windows shortcuts (as opposed to symlinks in Linux) in
the base music folder, the windows version will process each link "on
its own", one after the other. Starting with the second shortcut, the
web progress indicator shows things like "Complete 0:-5:-20". The total
time calculated at the end of the process shows only the added times of
-the last- file scan plus the additional steps, -not- the real scanning

I have scanned my collection on the Windows version (1.8 GHz P4, 1GB
RAM), it showed 43 minutes but took slightly more than 2 hours. (The
same collection on my 900 MHz P3, 768 MB RAM, under Fedora 11 took 71
minutes to scan.)

The structure of my Windows base music folder is as follows:
-- *Old* -(a shortcut to M:\Music\Old\)-
-- *Tagged* -(a shortcut to M:\Music\Tagged\)-
-- *Testdaten - Index Test* -(a shortcut to D:\Temp\Testdaten\Index
-- *Testdaten - MusicIP* -(a shortcut to D:\Temp\Testdaten\MusicIP)-

So, all in all, I guess we are back at the character encoding issues
from times long gone ... the Character Set War continues ... ;-)


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