Triode;441569 Wrote: 
> With 7.4, the Health plugin has been replaced by a the Network Test
> plugin which has a player menu but no web interface.  
> The other statistics Health used to collect where of most interest to
> developers and are now only available from the commandline though
> stating the server with the --perfwarn option.  [this needed rewriting
> as the internals of the server had changed]

I just noticed to bad, it was nice to see the stats graphs when
performing the network test. When can we have a user interface back.
There are users with only reciever a how are they to test their network
If it can not be invoked from the web-UI , have any of the third party
apps, for example iPeng or the  other phone/pod app implemented it ?



No it can NOT be controlled with iTunes....
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