Does anyone else feel like the battery life of the Controller is
significantly less since the changes with the Controller UI in firmware
r7084 and higher? I have increased the suspend timeout, but I had done
that with the older firmware too. It seems like my battery life is about
half of what it used to be on the old (r5508?) firmware.

I always have the Controller in bed while I read for about 2 hours
every night. Previously, the battery indicator would be at about the
half-way or 1/4 mark when I would turn out the light. Now it's always
red by the time I am ready to turn out the light, and a couple times it
has gone to the "please recharge me" screen before my reading time was

My Controller is about a year old now, so the timing could be
coincidental... that's why I'm asking if anyone else feels the same.


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